My Sketches

As might have probauly gathered from these rubbish pictures, my scanner isnt working so i was forced to take these pictures of my pictures by webcam. The quality was not good so that is why i have UPed the contrast and coverted the colour. I hope you dont ming. *GRINS UNBEARINGLY*

>> A Hebridian Selkie (a Scottish MerPerson) in the depths if the Minch of the Coast of Skye.....

Sketched (Black Colouring Pencil on Cartridge paper) and Digiyally Recoloured on PhotoImpression.

(For a Mini Version See Below) 


<< This a merman from the depths of Loch Hogwarts. Taking a bit on inspirtaion from Tony DiTerlizzi, the AMAZING illustrator from the Spiderwick Cronlicles and of course the film of Goblet of Fire, this is how I imapiged them. This particlur merman is in his Attack pose ready to GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE up anything he might want to. I call 'im Gary. *snort*

Ents. Not ants. NO ENTS! NOT AUNTS! *urgh!* 

Treebeard from The Lord of The Rings. This is how I imagined him.I know that there aint much of a beard on 'im but his fingers/braches turned out uber well. Im alo very pleased by his roots. They really look although thet coild easily make ahole hor him to sit in really easily.


Dragon of Stuff!

A kewl wee Eurpean Wyrm I drew up durin R.E. Digitally Recoulered in PhotoImpression.

I left half of it uncoulored because there was a crease in the paper and plus it just looks klier without the whole fing.

His name is Norman. :D